Here we go. What should I start with - the roll-paper covered walls? Wow, all of these kids actually possess an MFA? Not that they all were blunders but how can you honestly look at serious MFA works on wrinkly walls, jam-packed "mom" curating and all within the context of what is the Los Angeles Art Fair. Oh, yeah that and the current economic depression and lack of anyone at the show made for tears to run down my face - good thing they served free mini bags of potato chips and tequila.

Amy Mauck and Catherine Wagley /// Kristen Foster

Esteban Martinez

Susannah Bielak

Matthew Ashjian

Chelsea Hertford Taylor /// Jacob Butts (above/below)

Christina Pierson /// XXX?

Hyehyung Ko /// Leia Jervert

Glenna Jennings

Christine Frerichs (above/below) - my prize of "best in show"

James A. Enos

M. Rey

Alejandro Castano Isaza-Casazi /// XXX?

Brian J. Marrier

Carrie Maseredjian

Ryan Schwartzkopf /// Kael Greco
..and the "fun" that was the Los Angeles Art Fair...

Supersonic 2009 is an exhibition featuring artworks of all media from nearly 80 artists, presented by M.F.A. candidates from the following institutions: Art Center College of Design, Claremont Graduate University, Otis College of Art and Design, University of California - Riverside, University of California - San Diego, University of California - Santa Barbara, and University of Southern California. Now in its fourth incarnation, Supersonic 2009 provides an outstanding opportunity for Southern California's M.F.A. students to share culturally significant contributions with the region's artistic community, as well as a dialogue with each other.SUPERSONIC @ Los Angeles Art Show