Vivian Lee
Obama Wins

Stephen Hutchison
Where's Your Self Respect, Hang Up All Your Clothes

Aaron Sherwyn
Value Meal

Tiffany Smith
And What

Rowan Wood

Erin Desmond
Untitled (from series Ce monstre delicate)

Tameka Norris

Macon Bunn

Blake Tamaki
LA. tif

Lauren Silva
Trapped in Tar

Raquel Castro

Selby Cole, Surfaces /// Keli Arslancan, Untitled (above right and below)

Luis Flores

Elizabeth Preger
Revenge Game (right)

Meirav Haber
Mirage on Sunset and Formosa

Alla Voroninskaya, Kayo Kurume and Raquel Castro

Johnathon Hornedo
Language Unclenching

Max Wong

Julie Pate
Water Suite

Scott Raynor
The Quickening

Undergraduate Juried Exhibition
Juror: Mark Allen, Machine Project
I will write a bit tomorrow (fri) about it so check back.
February 12-26, 2009
New Wight Gallery
1100 Broad Art Center, LA
Keli Arslancan, Macon Bunn, Raquel Castro, Selby Cole, Katherine Davis, Erin Desmond, Schuyler Duffy, Luis A. Flores, Meirav Haber, Julie Han, Taryn Haydostian, Jonathon Hornedo, Stephen Hutchison, Maika Kanno, Kayo Kurume, Vivian Lee, Tameka Norris, Sarah G. Nuernberger, Julie Pate, Elizabeth Preger, Scott Raynor, Aaron Sherwyn, Lauren Silva, Tiffany Smith, Blake Tamaki, Alla Voroninskaya, Meredith Wallace, Matthew Weiden, Max Wong, Rowan Wood
i guess it seems pretty good for undergrad? way under-attended from what i hear. time to ramp up your networking and postcard/emailng, UCLA u-grads!
I was there for the reception. Strong turn-out. This was actually a very strong show that totally rivaled any MFA show I've seen recently. The kids at UCLA are kicking ass!
Not that good, TKS.
I thought the photography series of Vegitables done by Maika Kanno was very strong. Keep up ur work!
Yeah. Those photographs were intense. And Jonathan Hornedo's very minimal painting was superbly economical but expressive in a cool kind of way.
Many institutions limit access to their online information. Making this information available will be an asset to all.
It was very encouraging to see new works. I applaud all the artists. Well done!
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